It’s no wonder that independent bookstores flourish in Talbot County, the cultural center of the Eastern Shore. If you’re looking for knowledgeable staff who loves a good read, here are a few of the finest stores.
Book Hounds, St. Michaels: Pick up a new read in this warm, inviting space, where staff considers it their goal to match you with your perfect book.
Crackerjack’s, Easton: A well-curated corner in this old-school toyshop offers a strong selection of books for children from pre-school through elementary school.
Flying Cloud Booksellers, Easton: Offers a curated collection of fiction and non-fiction bestsellers, biographies, literary classics, and books about design, food and wine, and the natural world.
Mystery Loves Company, Oxford: Here you will find a serious stash of mysteries, along with an owner passionate about all things suspenseful.
Unicorn Books, Trappe. Stacked to the rafters, this is one of Maryland’s largest secondhand bookstores with more than 30,000 volumes, including rare editions.
Vintage Books and Fine Art, Easton. A handsome shop stocked with a superb Maryland collection, along with first editions and vintage maps.
For more information about things to see and do in Talbot County, click here!