“A Streetcar Named Desire” is a dramatic tale set in the vibrant and gritty New Orleans of the 1940s. The play follows the story of Blanche DuBois (played by Cavin Moore) who moves in with her sister Stella (Liv Litteral) and her husband Stanley Kowalski (Alex Greenlee). As Blanche’s past catches up with her, tensions escalate, leading to explosive confrontations and revealing the complexities of human nature and relationships.
Staged “en plein air” at the Talbot Historical Society Gardens in Easton, the Factory’s rendition of the classic promises to immerse attendees into the drama, offering an up close and personal experience to the story. “The production will bleed off the stage into the garden,” says Clemens. “Blurring the lines further between the story and reality, and humanizing the characters we see in this play.”
Ticket Information:
Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door.