Savor Chesapeake Bay wild and aquaculture oysters served steamed or raw, plus oyster fritters and oyster stew, along with a variety of other Chesapeake delicacies and other offerings. Windon Distilling Company will serve a specialty Lyon Rum cocktail, with other drink options including oyster shooters and Chesapeake-style Bloody Marys, featuring George’s Bloody Mary mix. Other food and beverages available.
Family activities include Chesapeake-themed games, activities, and demonstrations, and a chance to build a take-home model boat. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue club will also present retriever demonstrations on Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s Navy Point. You can also explore the CCBMM’s exhibitions, including oystering on the Chesapeake and Waterman’s Wharf, where they can try tonging or nippering for oysters, and explore one of the visiting Chesapeake Bay buyboats and vessels or watch a historic diving demonstration.