Esquire Names St. Michaels a Top 15 Town to Visit

“Stepping into a time machine to visit a 19th century seaport” is exactly how Esquire magazine described a visit St. Michaels on Maryland’s Eastern Shore on its list of the 15 U.S. towns most worthy of a day trip,” resting comfortably next to bigger name cities like San Antonio, Santa Barbara, Sedona, Nashville and Charleston.

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum

The magazine highlights St. Michaels’ charms like its notable architecture and red brick sidewalks and highly recommends day visitors explore the Chesapeake Bay by boat. It also describes exploring the town on foot, where you can visit the popular Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (pictured above) with displays on indoor historic buildings, artifacts and lighthouses. The St. Michaels Winery is another highly recommended spot. Wine tasting is open daily and visitors can enjoy the wide range of varieties available.

Shopping in St. Michaels

St. Michaels has a population of only 1,029, but a rich shipbuilding and maritime history. Today, visitors can explore the small town that preserved much of its Colonial architecture to get a glimpse of life in earlier St. Michaels. Films like “Clara’s Heart” and “The Wedding Crashers” have used the area for filming. Find out more about what makes St. Michaels an Eastern Shore standout here.

(Photos by Mark Sandlin)

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